Why subscribe to Bella?

As of the beginning of 2024, this space is growing. In the spirit of communal endeavor and mutual influences, I present you with one-to-ten minutes, which-can-sprawl-into -into weeks and months, with a dozen links on varied themes and topics. What strikes me at the moment becomes this blog. Randomization at its best. Unhinged creativity.

You will have enough for a day to muse on once you go down Belladonnaoflavender’s rabbit hole (where, impliedly, belladonnaoflavender lives )

Living in extremities & experimenting with words/ideas

I will plug myself, art and artists, theories, and ideas here.


Published by many international and national magazines and media outlets, leaving my 9–10 to write, review, and live my life has taught me many things. I wish to further and extend my learning and know-how with this newsletter. I am a former lawyer and a lifelong learner of arts and sciences who is currently working on her writing; what do I write? What strikes me most at that moment—poetry, lyric essays, literary non-fiction, and prose—including the experimental and traditional formats of narratives and storytelling. Occasionally, I delve into my literary obsessions, most of which carry a futuristic vision and have been born out of passion and enthusiasm for life, death, and giving.

I am chaotic, yet not complex. Hence, with the visibility of once a month, I can come fortnightly too. Be ready.


The number of writers has increased, but the number of readers has not…… I don’t only want to be a writer; I also want to motivate others to read, too. In that potential, the factor is to find readers and encourage the youth and the old to write more. This space is to collect all the interesting things I read on the internet and all that I do. So, if you like to read, watch TV, or take drugs, this place can appeal to you. Try me?


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Modern essays + Personal meanderings+ Magick + Safe space++ Eco + ++++Echo by multi-genre writer and interdisciplinary researcher from the prairies of Iowa Living in extremities & experimenting with words/ideas